Ms. Ferrara's math webpage

General Policies

The day of unit assessments is the last day I will accept late work for a given unit.  (Example:  The day a Chapter 8 test is adminstered in class is the last day Chapter 8 assignments will be accepted.)

To receive full credit on these late assignments, students will need to correct using my answer key on their own time (before/after school or lunch) as we already take class time to correct.

No assignments will be accepted after the test.  If a student is going to be absent the day of a test, they should turn assignments in before-hand. 

Policies of Granite School District are in full force in the classroom and cover common topics such as cellphones, dress code, and behavior guidelines.  

Citizenship will reflect ability to follow procedures, effort put forth to conduct selves appropriately in the classroom setting at all times, and to help in maintaining a safe, quality learning environment.  

Per Granite policy, 1 unexcused absence in a term results in a 1 in citizenship; any additional unexcused absences are an automatic 0 for the term.  Please be sure you are checking in/out school correctly and missing days only when absolutely necessary.  There is nothing that replaces the value of face-to-face class time in your education.


Email is the easiest way to catch me ([email protected]).  Please allow me the majority of a day to respond as I don't check messages during classes--mainly before school starts, during lunch/consultation, and after school.  I will always respond at the earliest convenience as I deeply value parent/guardian contact.  
Parents may also always call the school at 385- 646-5264 and have a message sent to me; please be sure the message-taker gets your full name and the respective student/course you are calling about.
